Play! We Learn to move by Moving

"The language of movement is not language… the language of movement is feel." - Grey Cook

We learn to move by moving. Can you imagine how ridiculous it would be to see someone teaching their kid to crawl by giving them verbal instructions?

Or even more ridiculous, you talking your hand and arm through the process of picking up your cup of coffee to take a sip.

We learn to crawl, walk, run, climb, jump and ride bikes all by moving. But there are stipulations to be successful. We need to play the game. We need to be safe. We need to challenge ourselves. And most importantly, we need to enjoy it!

The game of movement is one we play our whole lives. At every level we learn the "rules" and develop skills by playing. The game changes as we grow, having developed skills from previous levels we can play more complex games. The more skills, the better options.

What happens if the game stops being fun? We stop playing. Time passes, we stop enjoying movement because we haven’t been, moving. The good news is that you can get back in the game. You can move better and be stronger at any stage of your life. And enjoy moving again. Fitness is not exclusive to the already fit.

The first step is DECIDING to play. Next is setting up the ‘guard rails’ then having fun. Have Fun }} Improve }} Fun }} Improve.

The ’guard rails’ are knowing what level of movement you’re on and exploring and developing those skills. Which you’ll carry over to the next level. To play better games. Move well.


Telling Ain’t Teaching


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