Why Train Barefoot?

Many of us have all five of our senses. Sight, smell, sound, taste and touch/feel. This is how we receive information from our environment so that we can respond accordingly.

It's easy to forget that feel is not limited to just your hands and fingers. Your feet have feelings too!

Without boring you too much with the neurology, or sounding foot fetishy, I'll take the metaphorical route.

Think of your feet and toes as ears. Stay with me now. The thicker the sole of your shoe, the less you're able to "hear" the ground beneath you.

Why would you want to hear the ground? Because communication is the cornerstone of any good relationship. And since gravity has us stuck together, It'd be wise to start listening to what it (the ground) has to say. So our response can be based on clear information. The result can lead to much cleaner movement.

Now I'm not suggesting you toss shoes and go running through the woods like a hobbit. That's too much noise. Be reasonable. Walk, squat, deadlift etc. Strengthen your communication and build a better relationship with the ground.


Work on not workout


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